Free heating and hot water? It all starts with the Hydronic Solar Collectors

Solvis’ flat-plate collectors are made from durable aluminium with a highly selective coating – evenly vaporised and good for the environment. Copper piping that conducts heat is welded below the absorber plate. The laser-welded connection ensures the optimum heat transfer and provides ten percent more power.

Highly transparent hardened solar glass with an anti-reflective coating increases the energy output capabilities even more. It lets extra sunlight through and is extremely durable. This special surface treatment increases light transmission. These features ensure that the solar collector preforms optimally, looks great and last practically forever.

Discover the potential

High Performance

Smooth absorber surface, with no welding joins, allows it to completely absorb the sun’s rays. Wide welds on the contact surface ensure the sun’s heat is transferred optimally from the absorber to the copper pipe.

Very Long-lasting

The frame of the absorbers is made of weather-resistant, aluminium corrosion resistant materials. The environmentally friendly coating of the absorber is vaporised onto the aluminium plate in a unique process.

Additional Information

Collector Improvements 2015

The Solvis Fera I AR models, existing large area collectors in the sizes 5.6m2, 7.0m2 and 8.4m2 were improved in several ways in 2015. The same glass plate with anti-reflective coating remains but the hydraulics of the collector are new. Solvis improved upon their previous design of harp-shaped or double harp-shaped pipe registers with the new double meander design.

The new design reduces pressure losses by approximately 50% and enables the series-connected collector strings to be longer, simplifying hydraulics for larger systems and reducing pipework.

Solvis’ new double meander also increased the conversion factor from 0.83 to 0.84, allowing more heat transfer to take place. It might not seem like a vast improvement but together with the improved heat loss coefficient it makes a notable difference.

Solvis Example:

The yield of the 8.4 m2 collector is stated at 4422 kWh/year in the Solar Keymark data sheet (location Würzburg, Tm = 50 °C). The previous version only achieved 4174 kWh/yr. A gain of 248 kWh/year or approximately 5% increase in performance.

Technical Information

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